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2021 Career Connect: Networking event for international students and global companies

Co-hosted with JETRO and DATEntre (Tohoku Innovation Human Resources Development Program), Tohoku University organized a networking event for international students in the Tohoku area and 24 global companies, to enhance communication and increase mutual understanding between students and companies.

Due to coronavirus, this event was held online using the Zoom application.


According to the survey conducted by JETRO, there is a tendency that foreign companies in Japan have difficulty hiring personnel with English communication skills.

Meanwhile, another data from Japan Student Services Organization shows that international students studying in Japan are facing the Japan-specific recruiting system and language barrier, resulting in approximately only 30% of all international students getting positions, even 60% of them hoping to find jobs in Japan.


This event was organized to provide additional possibilities for international students when selecting companies in Japan, in which almost 100 students attended in total, while 24 global companies including Ericsson Japan KK, Novartis Pharma KK., and AstraZeneca KK., introduced their companies in each breakout room on Zoom platform. Students and company representatives had casual and interactive discussions in a friendly atmosphere.